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Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

Komodo/Dragon Island

Komodo National Park ( KNP )was established in march 6th 1980 and designated as A Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1986.Also as a world heritage site in 1991 by UNESCO.Administratively the Park is in Komodo sub Distric West Manggarai Regency –East Nusa Tenggara –Province – INDONESIA.Geographically ,It laid between Flores Island ( East Nusa Tenggara ) and Sumbawa island ( West Nusa Tenggara ) Komodo National Park covers about 173.300 hectares consisting of 40.728 hectares of land and 132.572 hectares of sea. [Detail.....]
The first encounter and written by JKH VAN STEYN in 1911. Scientific identification of VARANUS KOMODOENSIS by P.A OUWENS in 1912. When frightened, Komodo dragons can run up to 18 km / h for short distances. Usually they run at a slower pace of 8 – 10 km / h. Large dragons usually weigh up to 90 kg ( 198 pounds ) The largest Komodo dragon ever measured weighed 195.9 kilograms ( 365 pounds ) but this might be because its belly was of food. It is too difficult to tell difference between male and female dragons without checking for a special scale pattern that males have on their underside at the base of their tale However , one way to tell the difference in fully grown animals is that very large dragons are usually male. [Detail.....]
Flores island, the exotic place least visited by the foreigner. It is worth to visit the destination. It has strong ethnic touch with typical tribal work of civilization, more people still influenced by the animistic beliefs. The nature settings are so beautiful, there are soaring volcanoes, colored crater lakes, forests, beautiful sea gardens with white sands beaches, and prehistoric Giant animals too.
Flores is a big, rugged remarkably beautiful island .Dominated by a string of volcanes, the long impenetrable terrain has divided the island into many distinct ethnic groups. There are interesting cultures here, with layers of traditional beliefs beneath the prevalent Christianity. [Detail.....]

Of all incredible sights in Nusa Tenggara the colored lakes of Kelimutu are undoubtedly the most spectacular. The three lakes are set in deepcraters at an altitude of 1.690m asl and are near the summit of the Kelimutu volcano ( Keli means mountain and Mutu is crater / steam). They have a habit of changing color and most recently the largest was light turquoise, the one next to it was dark brown and the third one was black. No – one was managed to fully explain the cause of the colors or why they change, except to suppose that different minerals are dissolved in each lake. The moons cape effect of the craters gives the whole summit area an ethereal atmosphere that can be quite creepy when clouds blow ion after 8am [Detail.....]

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